156 research outputs found


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    The paper reviews the current state of the innovation system in Rostov region. Despite huge scientific-technical potential the region has a shortage of high technology industries. Set of recommendations put forward including deepening integration links among producing companies and other institutions of the regional innovation system.Innovative activity, interaction, innovative development., Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, O31, O38,

    Datasets of ionospheric parameters provided by SCINDA GNSS receiver from Lisbon airport area

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    Here we present datasets provided by a SCINDA GNSS receiver installed in the Lisbon airport area from November of 2014 to July of 2019. The installed equipment is a NovAtel EURO4 with a JAVAD Choke-Ring antenna. The data are in an archived format and include the general messages on quality of records (*.msg), RANGE files (*.rng), raw observables as the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios, pseudoranges and phases (*.obs), receiver position information (*.psn), ionosphere scintillations monitor (ISMRB; *.ism) and ionospheric parameters: total electron content (TEC), rate of change of TEC index (ROTI), and the scintillation index S4 (*.scn). The presented data cover the full 2015 year. The raw data are of 1-minute resolution and available for each of the receiver-satellite pairs. The processing and the analysis of the ionosphere scintillation datasets can be done using a specific "SCINDA-Iono" toolbox for the MATLAB developed by T. Barlyaeva (2019) and available online via MathWorks File Exchange system. The toolbox calculates 1-hour means for ionospheric parameters for each of the available receiver-satellite pairs and averaged over all available satellites during the analyzed hour. Here we present the processed data for the following months in 2015: March, June, October, and December. The months were selected as containing most significant geomagnetic events of 2015. The 1-hour means for other months can be obtained from the raw data using the aforementioned toolbox. The provided datasets are interesting for the GNSS and ionosphere based scientific communities.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1910.0404

    Динамика численности и персонального состава партийно-советской элиты Сибири в 1920-е гг.

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    This paper considers the party and Soviet elite of Siberia in the 1920s. The main tasks of the research consist in determining the scope and essence of the notion of “party and Soviet elite of Siberia” and establishing their number and personal composition. The author relies on the achievements of national historiography referring to documents found in central and regional archives. The author shares the opinion that the main criterion indicative of political elite is not social background, education, strong leadership skills or experience, but the possession of real power and corresponding privileges. Such an approach determines the understanding of the party and Soviet elite of Siberia as a group of party and Soviet officials of regional / krai level, whose position entitled them to take important political decisions which they did take. In 1920s Siberia, such people were members and alternate members of the Siberian Revolutionary Committee, Siberian Bureau of the Central Committee of RCP(b), the Bureau of the Siberian Krai Committee of RCP(b)–AUCP(b) and the Presidium of the Siberian Krai Executive Committee of the Soviets. The analysis of the personal composition of the four abovementioned bodies demonstrates that from January 1920 to December 1929, the number of party and Soviet elite members increased from 5 to 34 persons. At the same time, at the beginning of the 1920s, the growth dynamics were rapid but starting with 1923 they slowed down significantly. The author concludes that its main cause was the introduction of a nomenclature system of recording and distributing the staff; in such conditions, it was not revolutionary merits or length of membership in the party, but the position occupied that was considered of primary importance. From that time onward, the renewal of the party and Soviet elite occurred mainly due to the rotation of officials heading the krai party, Soviet, economic, and military bodies and social organisations. Thanks to permanent renewal of personal composition in the 1920s, the party and Soviet elite included 117 people. For some of them, the work in Siberia was the top of their political career, while for others it was a way for further career growth.Статья посвящена партийно-советской элите Сибири 1920-х гг. Основные задачи исследования заключались в определении границ и сущности понятия «партийно-советская элита Сибири», выяснении ее численности и персонального состава. Работа выполнена с учетом достижений отечественной историографии. Источниковую базу составили документы, выявленные автором в центральных и региональных архивах. Автор статьи солидаризировалась со специалистами, полагающими, что главным критерием принадлежности к политической элите являются не социальное происхождение, наличие образования, управленческого таланта или опыта, а обладание реальной властью и вытекающими из этого привилегиями. Такой подход обусловил понимание партийно-советской элиты Сибири как группы партийно-советских работников областного / краевого уровня, по должности имевших право принимать и на самом деле принимавших важные политические решения. В 1920-е гг. в Сибири такими людьми являлись члены и кандидаты в члены Сибревкома, Сиббюро ЦК РКП(б), бюро Сибкрайкома РКП(б)–ВКП(б) и президиума Сибкрайисполкома Советов. Анализ персонального состава четырех названных органов позволил выяснить, что с января 1920 по декабрь 1929 г. численность партийно-советской элиты Сибири выросла с 5 до 34 человек. Причем если в начале 1920-х гг. динамика роста была стремительной, то приблизительно с 1923 г. она серьезно замедлилась. Сделан вывод, что основной причиной этого стало введение номенклатурной системы учета и распределения кадров, в условиях которой решающее значение стали играть не революционные заслуги и партийный стаж, а занимаемая должность. С этого времени обновление партийно-советской элиты происходило главным образом за счет ротации кадров, возглавлявших краевые партийные, советские, хозяйственные и военные органы или общественные организации. Благодаря постоянному обновлению персонального состава в 1920-е гг. в партийно-советскую элиту входили в общей сложности 117 человек. Для одних из них работа в Сибири стала вершиной политической карьеры, для других — залогом дальнейшего продвижения по службе

    Total electron content PCA-NN model for middle latitudes

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    A regression-based model was previously developed to forecast the total electron content (TEC) at middle latitudes. We present a more sophisticated model using neural networks (NN) instead of linear regression. This regional model prototype simulates and forecasts TEC variations in relation to space weather conditions. The development of a prototype consisted of the selection of the best set of predictors, NN architecture and the length of the input series. Tests made using the data from December 2014 to June 2018 show that the PCA-NN model based on a simple feed-forward NN with a very limited number (up to 6) of space weather predictors performs better than the PCA-MRM model that uses up to 27 space weather predictors. The prototype is developed on a TEC series obtained from a GNSS receiver at Lisbon airport and tested on TEC series from three other locations at middle altitudes of the Eastern North Atlantic. Conclusions on the dependence of the forecast quality on longitude and latitude are made.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2201.0347

    Transcriptional response to alcohol exposure in Drosophila melanogaster

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    BACKGROUND: Alcoholism presents widespread social and human health problems. Alcohol sensitivity, the development of tolerance to alcohol and susceptibility to addiction vary in the population. Genetic factors that predispose to alcoholism remain largely unknown due to extensive genetic and environmental variation in human populations. Drosophila, however, allows studies on genetically identical individuals in controlled environments. Although addiction to alcohol has not been demonstrated in Drosophila, flies show responses to alcohol exposure that resemble human intoxication, including hyperactivity, loss of postural control, sedation, and exposure-dependent development of tolerance. RESULTS: We assessed whole-genome transcriptional responses following alcohol exposure and demonstrate immediate down-regulation of genes affecting olfaction, rapid upregulation of biotransformation enzymes and, concomitant with development of tolerance, altered transcription of transcriptional regulators, proteases and metabolic enzymes, including biotransformation enzymes and enzymes associated with fatty acid biosynthesis. Functional tests of P-element disrupted alleles corresponding to genes with altered transcription implicated 75% of these in the response to alcohol, two-thirds of which have human orthologues. CONCLUSION: Expression microarray analysis is an efficient method for identifying candidate genes affecting complex behavioral and physiological traits, including alcohol abuse. Drosophila provides a valuable genetic model for comparative genomic analysis, which can inform subsequent studies in human populations. Transcriptional analyses following alcohol exposure in Drosophila implicate biotransformation pathways, transcriptional regulators, proteolysis and enzymes that act as metabolic switches in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism as important targets for future studies of the physiological consequences of human alcohol abuse

    Phenotypic and transcriptional response to selection for alcohol sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Gene-expression profiling combined with selection for genetically divergent Drosophila lines either highly sensitive or resistant to ethanol exposure has been used to identify candidate genes that affect alcohol sensitivity, including 23 novel genes that have human orthologs

    Life insurance model: concept, structure and assessment of financial stability

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    The Institute of Life Insurance is actively growing all over the world and especially in developing countries in order to provide an increase in the duration and quality of life of the population. The increasing role of life insurance in the economic and social sphere of the country requires a theoretical understanding of its place in the system of market relations and effective implementation. The purpose of the study is to develop the theoretical and methodological basis of life insurance, substantiate methodological approaches to its study in the context of a systematic approach through the prism of various models functioning. As a result of the study theoretical determinants of life insurance model are revealed, and a methodology for determining the financial stability of the applied life insurance model has been developed